The maxim that "a man's home is his castle" has deep roots in the Anglo-American legal tradition. The home's privileged legal status is traditionally derived from the sanctity of private property, and applied to a person in his own home. Many considered...
Generally speaking, the State of Washington is an at-will employment state. In the most basic form, at will employment means either the employer or employee can terminate the employment relationship for any reason, without many repercussions. However,...
This is one of the most common questions asked by my clients who are planning their estate. The answer is “yes.” You do need one or the other(unless you want the State of Washington to dictate what happens with your property). A properly planned...
Getting good advice is always beneficial, especially when you are dealing with a topic upon which you have little experience. The old adage that you get what you pay also often applies to personal injury cases.
If you have suffered injuries resulting...
An auto accident is often a very traumatic event. Occupants of a vehicle can suffer a variety of injuries that may, or may not, be apparent immediately after the automobile accident. We’ve compiled a list of some injuries that may be present after...
FIREARM RESTORATION IN WASHINGTON Have you lost your right to bear arms because of a felony or domestic violence conviction? Are you interested in restoring your right? Contact Megan Card at 360-352-8311 or to see if you are...
Another Avenue for Obtaining Maximum Recovery in Personal Injury Claims. The attorneys at Rodgers Kee Card & Strophy, P.S. are dedicated to zealously seeking maximum recovery for individuals injured in motor vehicle accidents. One of the primary ways...
The Difference between Vacating, Sealing, and Deleting NonConviction Data from Your Record Expunging your record (deleting non-conviction data) My previous clients often contact me and want to “expunge” their criminal record. The correct terminology...
How will my assets transfer upon my death? Without proper planning, an estate will generally be probated under the intestacy laws, which includes a predetermined process and plan for distribution created by the legislature. Intestacy generally means the...